Thursday 2 July 2009

On the go in Singapore

Say whaaat?! You want me to get off the train, carry ALL my luggage, go through immigration, and then board the train again? It's 6:40am Man! Of course, seeing as there were sniffer dogs outside the train and I had a stash of illicit gum, I complied with their demands. I got off the train with all my crap, remembering to leave my gum behind. Got my passport stamped. Then waited for a long long time to get back on cos a couple of bozo backpackers didn't understand that when they say take ALL your luggage with you through customs, that it means ALL your luggage, including your super-mondo-only-piece-of-luggage backpack. My overnight train cabin was lush. Ensuite with two to a cabin. And I had it all to myself. I finally got to Singapore at 8:40am and to mark my return to my place of birth, the heavens opened and Singapore welcomed me with big wet open arms. My Uncle says that it hasn't rained for ages. Well, what can I say. I seem to have that effect on places. And people. My gran started sobbing when she saw me.

So after an hour's rest, my cousins Nadiah and Nabilah had a whole day planned for me and took me to what felt like the entirety of Singapore, including Hairloom and Caramel- a super cute cafe fashioned in the style that I would like my cake shop to be one day- and along the riverfront at night to admire the Singapore skyline and lights. ..... 

I can't help thinking that I could happily just spend my time taking beautiful photos, baking delicious cakes, travelling loads loads more and writing about my travels. This life of course is dependent on whether I find that elusive pot of gold that I have been searching for for so long. And whilst buying tix for an exhibition, I got mistaken for an 18 year old. I'm going to be 27 next month! 27! How did that happen? And in 3 years time I'm going to be 30! Just kill me now. I know that many of you are 30 and I always say that 30 is not old, which is true and I mean it. It's just that at 27, I'm only just starting my first proper job next month, and I have yet to decide what I actually wanna do and where I want to do it. Plus, I am a drama queen. I always have a "what am I doing with my life" crisis before each birthday since turning 24. And I'm going off track. This is meant to be a travel blog.

Singapore is a city for young people. There's so much going on and so many places to go to. You could go out to a different place each night and still have many more to go to the rest of the year. These places of course are mainly of the eating, shopping and some theatre-going variety. Like KL, it's a shopaholic's dream and there's a place along the river called Clarke Quay that's just lined with restaurants and pubs. For outdoorsy stuff, there's loads to do along the coast. And if you want to go biking and trekking through the forests, a short boat ride to the surrounding islands will get you there. Atikah, another cousin of mine is taking me biking tomorrow. I can't wait. I really need some cardio exercise.

Anyways, for today Atikah was determined to help me find a wedding present for my friend and we stumbled on a cutesy little street, Haji Lane, filled with indie boutiques and vintage shops housed in old Chinese shophouses. We then found a dinky "Little Museum for Children" on Arab Street that sold stuff from the 50s, 60s and 70s. I found my dream scooter and Kelvinator there. 

For a laugh, we dropped by The Raffles Hotel, the super exclusive and expensive hotel of Singapore. I even contemplated pretending to be a guest at the hotel so that we could get into the "Resident's only" areas. It was like walking into a Merchant Ivory film- white colonial architecture with green lawns and stone fountains. I nearly expected someone dressed in cricket whites to come strolling along the corridor with a glass of Pimms, possibly on his way to the dining hall for a spot of high tea. Next was the Singapore Arts Museum (SAM), which had some fantastic paintings and photographs on display, and what I needed at this point in my trip. Strangely, in addition to my bike and the gym/exercising, the only other thing I've really missed on this trip are art galleries. Weird huh? I miss the coolness and quietness of them and being able to just walk around and look at art. I would highly recommend SAM to anyone visiting Singapore. And the Night Safari too. You were right Tristan, it was fun.

My uncles have been trying to sell me Singapore and convince me to work and move here. Which is fine if I liked super perfect-regimented-pristine-sterile cities. I don't know. I've never been very good with perfection and following instructions. I think I'm more of an edgy, slightly rough, gum-chewing kinda city girl. Or something. Whatever. What I do know is that I was bitten by some critter yesterday that has caused my right arm to slowly swell to double it's size. Bugger.

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